Source code for neuror.zero_diameter_fixer

'''Fix zero diameters.

.. note::
    This module is a re-implementation of:
    with sections recursion instead of point recursion
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np

SMALL = 0.0001

Point = namedtuple('Point',
                    'point_id'])  # index of the point within the given section
"""The class used to store a point as a section and point ID in this section."""

def _next_point_upstream(point):
    '''Yield upstream points until reaching the root.'''
    section, point_id = point
    while not (section.is_root and point_id == 0):
        if point_id > 0:
            point_id -= 1
            section = section.parent
            point_id = len(section.points) - 1
        yield Point(section, point_id)

def _get_point_diameter(point):
    return point.section.diameters[point.point_id]

def _set_point_diameter(point, new_diameter):
    '''Set a given diameter.

    Unfortunately morphio does not support single value assignment
    so one has to update the diameters for the whole sections.
    diameters = point.section.diameters
    diameters[point.point_id] = new_diameter
    point.section.diameters = diameters

def _connect_average_legacy(from_point):
    '''Apply a ramp diameter between the two points.

    .. note::
        This is a re-implementation of
    count = 0
    next_point = None
    for next_point in _next_point_upstream(from_point):
        count += 1
        if _get_point_diameter(next_point) > SMALL:
    if next_point is None or count <= 1:

    from_diam = _get_point_diameter(from_point)
    to_diam = _get_point_diameter(next_point)
    step_diam = (to_diam - from_diam) / count
    for step_num, point in enumerate(_next_point_upstream(from_point), 1):
        if _get_point_diameter(point) <= SMALL:
            _set_point_diameter(point, from_diam + step_diam * step_num)

def _connect_average(from_point):
    '''Apply a ramp diameter between the two points.

    .. note::
        This is a re-implementation of
        Contrary to the previous implementation the diameter the ramp is computed in term of
        pathlength and no longer in term of point number.
    prev_point = from_point
    pathlengths = []
    next_point = None
    for next_point in _next_point_upstream(from_point):
        pathlengths.append(np.linalg.norm(prev_point.section.points[prev_point.point_id] -
        if _get_point_diameter(next_point) > SMALL:
        prev_point = next_point
    if next_point is None or len(pathlengths) <= 1:

    from_diam = _get_point_diameter(from_point)
    to_diam = _get_point_diameter(next_point)
    cumulative_pathlengths = np.cumsum(pathlengths)
    pathlength_fractions = cumulative_pathlengths / cumulative_pathlengths[-1]
    for point, fraction in zip(_next_point_upstream(from_point),
        _set_point_diameter(point, from_diam + (to_diam - from_diam) * fraction)

[docs]def _fix_downstream(section): '''Ensure that diameters are decreasing in downstream direction. If the current diameter is below the threshold, change its value to the biggest value among the 1-degree children downstream diameters. This is recursive only until a diameter above threshold is found so this fixes zero diameters that are located at the beginning of the neurite. Fixes this: ``Soma--0--0--0--1--1--1`` But not this: ``Soma--1--1--1--0--0--0--1--1`` .. note:: This is a re-implementation of recursePullFix() available at Args: section(morphio.Section): ''' nonzero_indices = np.asarray(section.diameters > SMALL).nonzero()[0] if len(nonzero_indices) > 0: idx = nonzero_indices[0] diameter = section.diameters[idx] section.diameters = np.concatenate((np.repeat(diameter, idx), section.diameters[idx:])) return diameter else: child_diameters = [_fix_downstream(child) for child in section.children] max_child_diameter = max(child_diameters) if child_diameters else 0 if max_child_diameter > SMALL: section.diameters = np.repeat(max_child_diameter, len(section.diameters)) return max_child_diameter
[docs]def _fix_in_between(section, stack, legacy): '''Fix diameters between two points with valid diameters by applying a ramp. .. note:: This is a re-implementation of Args: point: the current points stack: the stack of upstream points legacy: whether to use legacy algorithm that didn't account for path lengths ''' _connect = _connect_average if legacy: _connect = _connect_average_legacy nonzero_indices = np.asarray(section.diameters > SMALL).nonzero()[0] if len(nonzero_indices) > 0: if len(stack) > 0: _connect(Point(section, nonzero_indices[0])) # account for zero diameters inside `section` for i in range(1, len(nonzero_indices)): if nonzero_indices[i] - nonzero_indices[i - 1] > 1: _connect(Point(section, nonzero_indices[i])) stack.append(Point(section, nonzero_indices[-1])) for child in section.children: _fix_in_between(child, stack, legacy) if len(nonzero_indices) > 0: stack.pop()
[docs]def _fix_upstream(section, upstream_good_diameter): '''Reset the diameter to `upstream_good_diameter` if the current value and all child values are below threshold. .. note:: This is a re-implementation of recursePushFix() available at Args: section: the current section upstream_good_diameter: the diameter value coming from upstream that will be used if the current diameter is not suitable Returns: (float): The current diameter if above threshold, else the smallest child value above threshold else (if no child value is above threshold) returns 0. ''' diameters = section.diameters nonzero_indices = np.asarray(diameters > SMALL).nonzero()[0] last_nonzero_idx = nonzero_indices[-1] if len(nonzero_indices) > 0 else -1 if last_nonzero_idx >= 0: upstream_good_diameter = diameters[last_nonzero_idx] child_diameters = [_fix_upstream(child, upstream_good_diameter) for child in section.children] max_child_diameter = max(child_diameters) if child_diameters else 0 if max_child_diameter < SMALL: section.diameters = np.concatenate(( diameters[:last_nonzero_idx + 1], np.repeat(upstream_good_diameter, len(diameters) - (last_nonzero_idx + 1)) )) return max_child_diameter
[docs]def fix_neurite(root_section, legacy=False): '''Apply all fixes to a neurite.''' _fix_downstream(root_section) _fix_in_between(root_section, [], legacy) _fix_upstream(root_section, 0)
[docs]def fix_zero_diameters(neuron, legacy=False): '''Fix zero diameters.''' for root in neuron.root_sections: fix_neurite(root, legacy)